5 key tips to keep your rosemary always thick and fragrant

Written By Ashley
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The rosemary: how to keep it thick, healthy and fragrant

Romero is one of the most popular and versatile aromatic plants. Not only is it an essential ingredient in the kitchen, but it is also appreciated for its medicinal properties and its ability to beautify gardens and balconies.

However, maintaining a leafy, healthy and fragrant rosemary is not always an easy task. If you want your Romero plant to look lush and full of life throughout the year, here we present five key tips that will completely transform their appearance and health.

1. Regular pruning: stimulates growth and density

One of the most important practices to maintain a thick and healthy rosemary is regular pruning. The rosemary is a plant that responds very well to the cut, since this stimulates the growth of new outbreaks and prevents it from becoming woody and heartbreaking.

When I could

  • Ideal era: The best time to prune the rosemary is during spring, just when the plant begins to show active growth signs.
  • Light pruning: You can also perform light pruning during the summer to maintain its shape.

How to prune

  1. Tools: Use clean and sharp pruning scissors to avoid damaging the plant.
  2. Dry branches: Remove the dry, damaged or sick branches.
  3. Long tips: Cut the tips of the longest branches to encourage dense growth.


  • Improve the appearance: Pruning not only improves the appearance of the rosemary, but also promotes a better air circulation.
  • Prevents diseases: It helps prevent diseases by eliminating parts of the plant that could be infection spotlights.
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2. Periodic transplant: provides space to grow

The rosemary is a plant that, over time, can become too large for its pot or current location. To make sure you have enough space to expand your roots and continue growing, it is essential to transplant it every 2 or 3 years.

When to transplant

  • Indicators: If you notice that the roots are dating the drain holes of the pot or that the plant has stopped growing, it is time to transplant it.

How to transplant

  1. New pot: Choose a largest pot or garden area with good drainage.
  2. Earth mixture: Prepare a suitable mixture of land for aromatic plants, preferably with a slightly alkaline pH.
  3. Extraction: Carefully remove the plant from your current pot, avoiding damaging the roots.
  4. Placement: Put it in your new home and fill with fresh land.


  • Strong root system: The transplant allows the rosemary to develop a stronger and more healthy root system.
  • Vigorous growth: A healthy root system translates into a more vigorous growth.

3. Adequate fertilization: nourishes your plant

Although rosemary is a resistant plant that does not require many care, adequate fertilization can make a difference in its growth and health. A good fertilizer provides the necessary nutrients for the plant to remain lush and fragrant.

When fertilizing

  • Season: Start fertilizing your rosemary in March, coinciding with the beginning of spring, and continues during the growth season (spring and summer).

What fertilizer use

  • Organic: Opt for an organic fertilizer, such as compost or earthworm humus.
  • Liquid: You can also use a specific liquid fertilizer for aromatic plants.

How to apply

  1. Instructions: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid superfertying, which could damage the plant.
  2. Application: Apply fertilizer around the base of the plant and water slightly.


  • Rapid growth: Proper fertilization promotes faster growth.
  • Green leaves: It contributes to the leaves to be more healthy and healthy.
  • Intense aroma: Increases the production of essential oils, which intensifies its aroma.
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4. Protection against excessive heat and pests

The rosemary is a Mediterranean plant that loves the sun, but excessive heat and direct exposure to solar rays for prolonged hours can damage it. In addition, like any other plant, the rosemary is susceptible to pests and diseases.

Heat protection

  • Location: Place the plant in a place where you receive direct sun during the morning and partial shadow during the hottest hours in the afternoon.
  • Ventilation: If you grow rosemary in pot, make sure you are in a well ventilated place.

Pest protection

  • Inspection: Regularly inspect your plant for signs of pests such as aphids, mites or pigs.
  • Natural pesticide: Use a natural pesticide, as a solution of Marseille soap, to treat infestations.
    • Preparation: Dissolve 20 grams of Marseille soap in 500 ml of water in the water bath.
    • Application: Pour the mixture into a bottle with spray and apply it slightly on the leaves.
  • Natural repellent: You can also use Neem oil or garlic infusions as natural repellent.


  • Plant health: Protect your rosemary from excessive heat and pests ensures that it remains healthy and free of damage.

5. Adequate irrigation: Avoid excess moisture

The rosemary is a drought resistant plant and prefers well -drained soils. Excess water can cause root rot and other problems, so it is crucial to water properly.

When to water

  • Frequency: Water your rosemary only when the upper layer of the ground is dry to the touch.
  • Seasonality: In summer, this can mean watering once or twice a week, while in winter irrigation can be less frequent.

How to water

  • Plant base: Apply the water directly at the base of the plant, avoiding wetting the leaves.
  • Control: Use a finer with fine nozzle to control the amount of water.


  • Problem prevention: Adequate irrigation prevents problems such as roots rot.
  • Health and vigor: Keeps the plant healthy and vigorous.
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Additional tips for a thick and fragrant rosemary

In addition to the five main tips, here are some additional tricks to make sure that your rosemary is always in its best state:

  1. Choose the right variety: There are different types of rosemary, such as romero tracrero or shrub rosemary. Choose the variety that best suits your climate and space.
  2. Plant Company: The rosemary grows well next to other aromatic plants such as thyme, lavender or sage. This not only creates a thematic garden, but also helps to repel pests naturally.
  3. Patience and observation: Each plant is unique, so it is important to observe how your rosemary responds to care and adjust practices as necessary.
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Benefits of having a healthy rosemary

Maintaining a thick and fragrant rosemary is not only rewarding from the aesthetic point of view, but also has multiple practical benefits:

  1. Culinary use: Fresh rosemary is a versatile ingredient that enhances the taste of meats, soups, breads and more.
  2. Medicinal properties: Romero is known for its anti -inflammatory, antioxidant and digestive properties.
  3. Aromatherapy: Its relaxing aroma can help reduce stress and improve mood.
  4. Decoration: A leafy and well careful rosemary is an excellent addition to any garden, balcony or kitchen.

Final thoughts

With these five key tips, you can keep your rosemary always thick, healthy and fragrant. From regular pruning to pest protection, each step contributes to your plant to look lush and full of life.

It doesn’t matter if you are an experienced gardener or a beginner, these tricks will help you enjoy the multiple benefits of rosemary throughout the year. Get to work and enjoy your rosemary at its maximum splendor!

Cultivating and caring for the rosemary will not only give you a constant source of aromatic herbs, but also connect you with nature and allow you to enjoy a relaxing and productive hobby.

In addition, in doing so, you will be contributing to a more sustainable and ecological lifestyle. Don’t wait any longer and start taking care of your rosemary today!

spraying and watering rosemary plant 2023 11 27 05 11 01 utc 1024x683 1Pin
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