Multiply your buganvillas on the balcony or garden: the infallible method to propagate branches successfully

Written By Ashley
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Multiply your buganvillas on the balcony or garden: the infallible method to propagate branches successfully

Buganvillas are one of the most appreciated plants for their beauty and their ability to transform any space into a corner full of color and life.

With their bract vibrant in red, pink, purple, orange and white tones, these climbing plants are ideal for decorating balconies, gardens and terraces.

But, did you know that it is possible to spread buganvillas from branches and multiply these wonderful plants in your own home?

In this article, we will explain step by step how to spread buganvillas using cuttings, an infallible method that will allow you to enjoy these colorful plants in a short time.


Why propagate buganvillas?

Propagar Buganvillas is not only an economical way to obtain new plants, but also a way of preserving and multiplying the characteristics of a plant that you already admire.

If you have a buganvilla that you love for its color, its vigor or its resistance, spread it will allow you to have more specimens with the same qualities. In addition, it is a rewarding activity that connects you with nature and allows you to learn more about the care of plants.

What do you need to spread buganvillas?

Before starting, it is important to gather the necessary materials to ensure the success of the process. Here you have a list of what you will need:

  1. Pruning and sterilized pruning scissors: It is essential that the tools are clean to avoid infections in the cuttings.
  2. A container or pot: You can use a plastic pot or a planting container.
  3. Proper substrate: A mixture of thick sand and peat is ideal to favor rooting.
  4. Transparent plastic sheet: This will help create a humid and protected environment for cuttings.
  5. Drug hormones (optional): These substances stimulate the growth of the roots and increase the chances of success.
  6. Non -calcareous water: The tap water must stand for 24 hours before using it to eliminate chlorine and other chemicals.
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Step by step to spread buganvillas

1. Select the right branch

The first step to spread buganvillas is to select a healthy and mature branch. Look for a branch that has recently flourished and is free of diseases or pests. The branch must be at least 15 cm long and be flexible enough to cut it without damaging it.

2. Cut the cutting

With sharp and sterilized pruning scissors, it makes a clean and perpendicular cut just below a knot (the point where the leaves join the stem). Make sure the cut is necessary to avoid damaging the branch. Remove the basal leaves from the cutting, leaving only a few at the top.


3. Prepare the substrate

Fill the container or pot with a mixture of thick sand and peat in equal proportions. This substrate is ideal to favor drainage and prevent cuttings from rotting. With the help of a pencil or stick, make holes in the substrate where you will insert the cuttings.

4. Apply rooting hormones (optional)

If you decide to use rooting hormones, immerse the base of the cutting in the dust before planting it. This step is not mandatory, but it can increase the chances of success, especially if you are a beginner.

5. Plant the cuttings

Insert the cuttings in the holes you have made in the substrate, making sure that they are firm and stable. Leave a space of approximately 15 cm between each cutting so that they have enough space to develop. Slightly compact the earth around the cuttings to ensure good contact with the substrate.


6. Create a humid atmosphere

Cover the container with a transparent plastic sheet to create a mini greenhouse. This will help maintain moisture and protect sudden temperature change cuttings. Place the container in a bright place but away from direct sunlight.

7. Water and take care of the cuttings

Spray the cuttings with non -calcareous water to keep the humid substrate, but avoid waterlogging. Every morning, remove the plastic sheet to eliminate condensation and allow the cuttings to breathe. After a month, the cuttings should have developed roots and be ready to be transplanted.


Tips for success in the propagation of Buganvillas

  1. Choose the right time: The best time to spread buganvillas is during spring or early summer, when plants are in full growth.
  2. Keep the humidity: It is essential that the substrate is always wet, but not soaked. An excess of water can cause the rot of the cuttings.
  3. Protect the cuttings: Avoid exposing cuttings to air currents or sudden temperature changes.
  4. Use quality water: Calcárea water can negatively affect the development of roots. Let the tap water stand for 24 hours before using it.
  5. Be patient: Ring can take between 3 and 6 weeks. Do not be discouraged if you do not see immediate results.

Transplant and care of new buganvillas

Once the cuttings have developed roots, it is time to transplant them to individual pots or directly to the garden. Here are some tips to take care of your new buganvillas:

  1. Choose a sunny place: Buganvillas need at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day to bloom abundantly.
  2. Provide a support: As climbing plants, buganvillas need a support to grow. You can use an lattice, a pergola or a wall.
  3. Water in moderation: Buganvillas are resistant to drought, but they need regular irrigation during the first months after the transplant.
  4. Regularly fertilizes: Use a balanced fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growth season to promote abundant flowering.
  5. Pruning carefully: Pruning helps maintain the shape of the plant and stimulates flowering. Performs pruning at the beginning of spring, before active growth begins.

Benefits of having buganvillas on your balcony or garden

  1. Color and beauty: Buganvillas add a touch of color and joy to any space.
  2. Ease of care: They are resistant plants that require little maintenance once established.
  3. Versatility: They can be grown in pots, gardeners or directly on the ground, and are ideal to cover walls, fences and pergolas.
  4. They attract pollinators: Buganvillas flowers attract bees, butterflies and other pollinators, benefiting other plants in your garden.

Final reflection

Propagar Buganvillas is a rewarding activity that will allow you to enjoy these beautiful plants on your balcony or garden. With a little patience and care, you can multiply your buganvillas and create a space full of color and life.

Whether you are an experienced gardener or a beginner, this infallible method will help you achieve surprising results. Get to work and enjoy your new buganvillas!

Frequent questions

  1. How long does it take for a Buganvilla cutting to root?
    The rooting usually takes between 3 and 6 weeks, depending on the environmental conditions and the care that the cuttings receive.
  2. Can I spread buganvillas in autumn or winter?
    Buganvillas is better propagar during spring or early summer, when plants are in full growth.
  3. Do I need to use rooting hormones?
    It is not mandatory, but rooting hormones can increase the chances of success, especially if you are a beginner.
  4. What do I do if the cuttings do not root?
    Make sure the substrate is always wet, but not soaked, and that the cuttings are protected from air currents and sudden temperature changes.
  5. Can I spread buganvillas in water?
    Although possible, it is not the most recommended method. Buganvillas root better in a substrate of sand and mob.
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