10 Kitchen Trends To Avoid: A Friendly Guide to Keeping Your Kitchen Timeless


Home And Garden Tips.


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As someone who loves spending time in the kitchen, I know how important it is to have a space that is both functional and stylish. However, with so many kitchen trends out there, it can be overwhelming to decide what to incorporate into your own space. That’s why I’ve compiled a list of 10 kitchen trends to avoid, to help you create a kitchen that will stand the test of time.

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One trend that you may want to reconsider is the use of kitchen desks. While they may have been popular in the past, they have become too busy for modern kitchens. Additionally, with the rise of remote work due to COVID-19, most individuals are creating their own home workspace, which does not belong in a kitchen. Instead of incorporating a desk into your kitchen, consider moving the desk location and using that extra space for storage.

Another trend to avoid is completely open concept kitchens. While they might be one of the biggest kitchen trends of the 21st century, the current trend for modern kitchens is to create defined zones to make it easy to work in. This means that you should consider incorporating features like islands or peninsulas to separate your kitchen from other areas of your home. By doing so, you can create a more functional and practical space that is still stylish and on-trend.

Overdone All-White Kitchens

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As a kitchen designer, I have seen a lot of trends come and go. One trend that has overstayed its welcome is the all-white kitchen. While it can be a classic and clean look, it has become overdone and lacks personality. Here are some reasons why I recommend avoiding the all-white kitchen trend.

The Shift Away from White Kitchens

Firstly, there has been a shift in the design world towards using more color and texture in kitchens. White kitchens can feel sterile and cold, and adding pops of color or texture can make the space feel more inviting and warm.

Additionally, all-white kitchens can be difficult to maintain. They show dirt and stains easily, and require frequent cleaning to keep them looking pristine. This can be especially challenging for families with young children or pets.

Alternatives to White

If you’re looking to update your kitchen but want to avoid the all-white trend, there are plenty of alternatives to consider.

One option is to incorporate color into your kitchen by using colored cabinets or a colorful backsplash. This can add personality and warmth to the space, while still maintaining a clean and modern look.

Another alternative is to use different textures and materials in your kitchen. Incorporating natural wood or stone can add warmth and depth to the space, while still keeping it modern and clean.

In conclusion, while all-white kitchens can be a classic and clean look, they have become overdone and lack personality. By incorporating color or texture, you can update your kitchen while still maintaining a modern and inviting space.

Outdated Countertop Choices

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When it comes to kitchen countertops, there are a few trends that have overstayed their welcome. In this section, I will discuss some of the countertop choices that are no longer in style and provide some alternatives that are worth considering.

Moving Beyond Granite and Marble

Granite and marble were once the go-to choices for kitchen countertops, but they are no longer the trendsetters they once were. While they are still beautiful and durable, they have become somewhat commonplace. If you’re looking for something a little more unique, there are plenty of other options to consider.

One alternative to granite and marble is quartz. Quartz countertops are made from engineered stone and come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. They are also extremely durable and resistant to scratches and stains. Another option is porcelain. Porcelain countertops are made from a type of ceramic material and are known for their durability and resistance to heat, scratches, and stains.

Rising Stars in Countertop Materials

If you’re looking for something truly unique, there are a few rising stars in the world of countertop materials that are worth considering. One of these is quartzite. Quartzite is a natural stone that is similar in appearance to marble but is much more durable. It is also resistant to heat and scratches, making it a great choice for a busy kitchen.

Another rising star in the world of countertop materials is engineered stone. Engineered stone countertops are made from a combination of natural stone and resin, which makes them extremely durable and resistant to scratches and stains. They also come in a wide variety of colors and patterns, making it easy to find something that fits your style.

In conclusion, while granite and marble are still beautiful and durable countertop choices, they have become somewhat overused. If you’re looking for something a little more unique, there are plenty of other options to consider, such as quartz, porcelain, quartzite, and engineered stone. By exploring these alternatives, you can create a kitchen that is both stylish and functional.

The Decline of Open Shelving

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As a kitchen trend, open shelving has been popular for a few years now. However, in 2023, it’s starting to become less desirable. While open shelves can be an attractive way to display dishes and other kitchen items, they can also become cluttered and difficult to keep organized.

Practical Storage Solutions

One of the main reasons that open shelving is falling out of favor is that it’s not always the most practical storage solution. For one thing, it can be difficult to keep everything clean and dust-free. Additionally, open shelves can be a magnet for clutter, making it hard to find what you need when you need it.

If you’re looking for practical storage solutions, consider cabinets with doors. These can help keep your kitchen looking tidy and organized, while still providing plenty of space to store all your dishes, pots, and pans.

Another option is to use drawers instead of shelves. Drawers can be a great way to keep everything organized, and they’re easy to access. You can even get custom drawers that are designed to hold specific items, like utensils or spices.

When it comes to materials and design choices, there are plenty of options that are more practical than open shelving. For example, you could choose cabinets made from durable materials like wood or metal. You could also opt for a more traditional design that incorporates closed cabinets and drawers, rather than open shelves.

Overall, while open shelving can be a stylish choice, it’s not always the most practical one. If you’re looking for storage solutions that are easy to maintain and keep organized, consider cabinets with doors or drawers instead.

Waning Popularity of Farmhouse Sinks

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As a kitchen trend that has been around for quite some time, farmhouse sinks have become a common sight in many homes. However, it seems that their popularity is starting to wane. While they were once a hot commodity, many homeowners are now opting for more modern sink options.

Modern Sink Options

One of the main reasons for the decline in popularity of farmhouse sinks is the availability of more modern sink options. Stainless steel sinks, for example, have become increasingly popular in recent years. They are durable, easy to clean, and come in a variety of finishes and textures. Additionally, they offer a sleek and modern look that many homeowners prefer over the traditional farmhouse style.

Another modern sink option that has gained popularity is the undermount sink. These sinks are installed underneath the countertop, which gives them a seamless look that many homeowners find appealing. They also come in a variety of materials and finishes, making them a versatile option that can fit into any kitchen design.

While farmhouse sinks will always have a place in kitchen design, it’s clear that their popularity is starting to wane. With more modern sink options available, homeowners are opting for sleeker and more contemporary styles. So, if you’re looking to update your kitchen, it may be time to consider a more modern sink option.

Reconsidering Kitchen Islands

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As a homeowner, I understand the appeal of having a kitchen island. It’s a great way to add extra counter space, storage, and seating to your kitchen. However, as I have researched and learned more about kitchen design trends, I have come to realize that kitchen islands may not always be the best choice for everyone. In this section, I will discuss some reasons why you may want to reconsider adding a kitchen island to your home.

Island Alternatives

If you’re looking for ways to add more counter space or storage to your kitchen, there are many alternatives to a traditional kitchen island. Here are a few ideas to consider:

  • Peninsula: A peninsula is similar to an island, but it is attached to a wall or cabinets. This can be a great option if you don’t have enough space for a freestanding island or if you want to create a designated area for cooking or dining.

  • Rolling Cart: A rolling cart is a portable option that can be moved around your kitchen as needed. It’s a great way to add extra counter space or storage without committing to a permanent island.

  • Wall-Mounted Shelves: If you’re short on counter space, consider adding wall-mounted shelves to your kitchen. This can be a great way to store dishes, glasses, and other items that you use frequently.

When considering whether to add a kitchen island to your home, it’s important to think about how you will use the space. Will it be a designated area for cooking, dining, or entertaining? Will it be used primarily for storage or as a workspace? Zoning the space is crucial to ensure that your kitchen functions efficiently.

In conclusion, while kitchen islands can be a great addition to some homes, they may not always be the best choice for everyone. By considering alternative options and zoning the space, you can create a functional and stylish kitchen that meets your needs and preferences.

Fading of Stainless-Steel Appliance Dominance

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As a kitchen designer, I have seen a lot of trends come and go. One trend that has been dominant for years is stainless steel appliances. However, it seems that this trend is starting to fade away.

Emerging Appliance Finishes

While stainless steel appliances are still popular, there are emerging appliance finishes that are starting to gain popularity. One of the most popular emerging finishes is black stainless. This finish is sleek and modern, and it goes well with a variety of kitchen styles.

Another emerging finish is stainless-steel finishes with a matte or brushed texture. These finishes have a more subtle look than traditional stainless steel, but they still give a kitchen a modern look.

Microwave Trends

When it comes to microwaves, over-the-range microwaves have been a popular choice for many years. However, there is a new trend emerging in the world of microwaves: built-in microwaves. These microwaves are installed directly into the cabinets, giving the kitchen a seamless look.

Another trend in microwaves is the use of microwave drawers. These drawers are installed under the countertop and can be easily accessed by pulling them out. They are a great option for those who want to save counter space.

In conclusion, while stainless steel appliances are still popular, there are emerging trends that are starting to gain popularity. Black stainless and brushed stainless steel finishes are becoming more popular, and built-in microwaves and microwave drawers are starting to replace over-the-range microwaves. As a kitchen designer, it’s important to stay on top of these trends to provide the best options for clients.

Reevaluating Open-Concept Layouts

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As someone who loves to cook and entertain, I used to be a huge fan of open-concept kitchens. I loved the idea of being able to chat with my guests while I cooked, and I thought it made the space feel bigger and more inviting. However, after doing some research and talking to experts, I’ve come to realize that open-concept layouts might not be the best choice for everyone.

Enclosed Kitchen Spaces

One of the biggest downsides of open-concept kitchens is that they can be noisy and messy. If you’re cooking a big meal, the sound of the range hood and the clanging of pots and pans can be overwhelming. And if you’re not a neat freak, your guests might be able to see dirty dishes and cluttered countertops.

That’s why I’ve started to reconsider the idea of enclosed kitchen spaces. By having a separate room for cooking and cleaning up, you can keep the mess and noise contained. Plus, if you’re someone who likes to experiment with different cooking techniques (like deep-frying or smoking), an enclosed space can help keep the smoke and smells from spreading throughout your home.

Of course, there are some downsides to enclosed kitchens as well. They can feel cramped and isolated, and they don’t always allow for as much natural light as open-concept layouts. But if you’re someone who values peace and quiet while you cook, or if you’re just tired of constantly cleaning up after yourself, an enclosed kitchen might be worth considering.

Overall, I think it’s important to remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to kitchen design. Whether you prefer open-concept layouts or enclosed spaces, the key is to create a space that works for you and your family. By zoning the space and considering your own needs and preferences, you can create a kitchen that’s both functional and beautiful.

Backsplash Material and Design Trends

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When it comes to kitchen design, the backsplash is an important element that can make or break the overall look. The right choice of material and design can elevate the style of your kitchen, while the wrong choice can leave it looking dated and unappealing. Here are some trends to avoid when it comes to backsplashes.

Innovative Backsplash Ideas

Innovative backsplash ideas can be a great way to add personality and interest to your kitchen. However, it’s important to avoid going too far outside the box, as some trends can quickly become outdated. For example, while a bold patterned tile may seem like a fun idea, it may not stand the test of time.

Instead, consider classic materials like subway tile or natural stone for your backsplash. These materials have been used for decades and will continue to be popular for years to come. If you want to add some interest, consider using a unique layout or pattern, like a herringbone or chevron design.

When it comes to texture, be careful not to choose materials that are too busy or overwhelming. A subtle texture can add depth and interest to your backsplash without overwhelming the space.

In conclusion, when choosing a backsplash for your kitchen, it’s important to consider both the material and design. Avoid trends that are too bold or busy, and instead opt for classic materials and subtle textures. By following these tips, you can create a timeless and stylish kitchen that you’ll love for years to come.

Cabinet and Hardware Innovations

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As a kitchen designer, I have seen many trends come and go. Some of them are timeless, while others are better left in the past. In this section, I will discuss the cabinet and hardware innovations that you should avoid in 2024.

Trends in Cabinetry

Dark painted cabinetry was once a popular trend, but it is now considered outdated. Instead, opt for lighter finishes that create a more open and airy feel in your kitchen. Clean lines are also in style, so avoid ornate designs that make your cabinets look cluttered.

Glass doors on your cabinets were once a way to showcase your dishware, but they are now considered outdated. Instead, consider open shelving or cabinets with solid doors. This will create a cleaner look in your kitchen and make it easier to organize your dishes and cookware.

Hardware Trends

When it comes to hardware, handle-free doors were once a popular trend. However, they are now considered outdated and can make your kitchen look unfinished. Instead, opt for hardware that complements your cabinets and adds a pop of color or texture.

Mixed metal hardware is a growing trend, but it can be overwhelming if not done correctly. Stick to two or three finishes that complement each other, such as brushed nickel, brass, or oil-rubbed bronze. This will create a cohesive look in your kitchen and add a touch of elegance.

In conclusion, when it comes to cabinet and hardware innovations, it’s important to keep it simple and timeless. Avoid trends that are too bold or flashy, and stick to classic designs that will stand the test of time. By doing so, you’ll create a kitchen that is both functional and stylish for years to come.

Flooring Evolution in Kitchens

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As someone who has seen many kitchen designs come and go, I can confidently say that flooring is one of the most important design choices you will make. It’s the foundation of your kitchen, and it sets the tone for the rest of the space. In this section, I’ll explore the evolution of kitchen flooring and share my thoughts on what to avoid.

Beyond Linoleum and Tile

Linoleum flooring was once a popular choice for kitchens, but it’s now considered outdated. While it’s true that linoleum is durable and easy to clean, it doesn’t offer the natural textures and warmth that many homeowners desire. Instead, consider natural materials like hardwood, bamboo, or cork. These materials add warmth and texture to your space, and they’re also eco-friendly.

Tile is another popular choice for kitchen flooring, but it’s not without its drawbacks. While it’s durable and easy to clean, it can be hard on your feet and back. Additionally, some tile patterns can be overwhelming and make your kitchen feel busy. Instead, consider larger tiles or planks that create a more cohesive look. Also, consider using lighter colors to make your space feel larger and brighter.

In conclusion, when it comes to kitchen flooring, it’s important to think beyond linoleum and tile. Natural materials like hardwood, bamboo, and cork add warmth and texture to your space, while larger tiles or planks create a more cohesive look. Ultimately, the best flooring choice for your kitchen will depend on your personal style and needs.

Color and Texture Trends

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Exploring New Palettes and Textures

As a kitchen designer, I always try to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to color and texture trends. While some classic color schemes and textures never go out of style, it’s always fun to experiment with new ideas.

One trend that I’ve been loving lately is the use of saturated colors. Bold hues like emerald green, deep red, and royal blue can add a pop of personality to any kitchen. If you’re not ready to commit to a full-on color scheme, try incorporating these shades in small doses, like with a statement backsplash or colorful appliances.

On the other hand, monochrome color schemes are starting to feel a bit overdone. Instead, try mixing and matching different hues and textures. For example, a combination of warm wood accents and cool marble countertops can create a beautiful contrast.

Neutral hues are always a safe bet, but don’t be afraid to play with texture. Natural textures like wood, stone, and brick can add depth and interest to an otherwise simple color scheme. Plus, they’re a great way to bring a bit of nature indoors.

Finally, navy has been a popular color in recent years, but it’s starting to feel a bit tired. Instead, try experimenting with other dark hues like charcoal gray or deep forest green. These shades can add a moody, sophisticated vibe to your kitchen without feeling overdone.

Overall, when it comes to color and texture trends, it’s all about finding a balance between classic and contemporary. By incorporating a few of these ideas into your kitchen design, you can create a space that feels fresh and modern while still feeling timeless.

Emerging Kitchen Design Principles

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As a kitchen designer, I am always looking for new and innovative ways to create spaces that are both functional and beautiful. In recent years, there have been some emerging design principles that have become increasingly important in kitchen renovation and remodeling projects.

Universal Design

One of the most important emerging design principles in kitchen design is universal design. This principle involves creating spaces that are accessible and functional for people of all ages and abilities. This can include things like installing lower countertops and cabinets, wider doorways, and non-slip flooring.

Universal design is especially important in kitchens, where people of all ages and abilities spend a lot of time cooking and preparing food. By incorporating universal design principles into your kitchen remodel, you can create a space that is not only beautiful but also functional and accessible for everyone.

Zoning the Space

Another important emerging design principle in kitchen design is zoning the space. This involves creating distinct zones within the kitchen for different activities, such as cooking, cleaning, and storage. By zoning the space, you can create a more efficient and functional kitchen that is tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

For example, you might create a cooking zone that includes a range, oven, and countertop space for preparing meals. You might also create a cleaning zone that includes a sink, dishwasher, and storage for cleaning supplies. By zoning the space, you can create a kitchen that is not only beautiful but also highly functional and efficient.

In conclusion, by incorporating emerging design principles like universal design and zoning the space into your kitchen remodel, you can create a space that is both beautiful and functional. Whether you are remodeling your kitchen to improve accessibility or simply to create a more efficient and functional space, these design principles can help you achieve your goals and create a kitchen that you will love for years to come.

Avoiding Overused Finishes and Materials

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When it comes to designing a kitchen, it’s important to choose finishes and materials that will stand the test of time. While it’s tempting to follow the latest trends, it’s important to remember that trendy finishes and materials can quickly become outdated. Here are some tips for avoiding overused finishes and materials in your kitchen design.

Seeking Unique Textures

One way to avoid overused finishes in your kitchen is to seek out unique textures. Instead of using the same old glossy finishes, look for finishes that have depth and texture. For example, a matte finish can add a subtle texture to your cabinets, while a brushed finish can add a bit of visual interest to your hardware. By incorporating unique textures into your kitchen design, you can create a space that feels fresh and modern.

Faux Finishes on the Decline

Faux finishes were once a popular choice for kitchen design, but they’re now on the decline. While faux finishes can be a cost-effective way to achieve a certain look, they often look cheap and dated. Instead of using faux finishes, consider investing in natural materials like stone or wood. These materials will add warmth and texture to your kitchen, and they’ll never go out of style.

When it comes to kitchen design, it’s important to choose finishes and materials that will stand the test of time. By seeking out unique textures and avoiding overused finishes like faux finishes, you can create a kitchen that looks fresh and modern for years to come.

Selective Use of Metallic Accents

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When it comes to kitchen design, metallic accents can add a touch of elegance and sophistication. However, it is important to use them selectively to avoid making your kitchen look too flashy or outdated. Here are some tips to help you strike the right balance:

The Right Touch of Metal

Polished nickel is a classic choice for kitchen hardware and fixtures. It has a timeless appeal and is easy to maintain. However, it can be a bit too shiny for some tastes. If you prefer a more subdued look, consider using matte black or honed finishes instead. These finishes have a softer, more understated appearance that can complement a variety of design styles.

Leathered finishes are also becoming increasingly popular for metal accents. This finish has a textured, matte appearance that can add depth and visual interest to your kitchen. It works particularly well with natural materials such as wood and stone.

Concrete is another material that can be used to add a touch of industrial chic to your kitchen. It can be used for countertops, backsplashes, and even flooring. When paired with metallic accents such as brushed stainless steel or aged brass, it can create a striking contrast that is both modern and timeless.

In conclusion, metallic accents can be a great way to add visual interest and sophistication to your kitchen. However, it is important to use them selectively and in moderation. By choosing the right finishes and materials, you can create a kitchen that is both stylish and functional.

Functional Kitchen Desk Spaces

As someone who loves to cook and entertain, I understand the appeal of having a designated space to work on my laptop or pay bills while keeping an eye on the stove. However, as we move into 2024, I believe that integrating work areas into the kitchen is a trend that should be avoided.

Integrating Work Areas into the Kitchen

Kitchen desks have been popular for a while, but they have become too busy for modern kitchens. Not to mention, COVID-19 has caused most individuals to create their own home workspace, which does not belong in a kitchen. Instead, you should move the desk location and use that extra space for storage.

Zoning the space is a better solution. By creating a designated area for a home office, you can keep the kitchen free from clutter and distractions. This way, you can focus on cooking and entertaining without worrying about work-related tasks.

It’s also important to note that kitchen desks can take up valuable counter space. In a small kitchen, this can be a major issue. Instead of a desk, consider adding a small table or cart that can be easily moved around the kitchen as needed.

In conclusion, while it may be tempting to integrate work areas into the kitchen, it’s a trend that should be avoided. By zoning the space and creating a designated area for a home office, you can keep your kitchen clutter-free and focus on what’s really important – cooking and entertaining!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some kitchen cabinet styles that might look outdated soon?

As per the experts, kitchen cabinet styles that might look outdated soon include shaker-style cabinets, glass-front cabinets, and open shelving. Instead, you can opt for slab-style cabinets or cabinets with clean lines and minimalistic hardware.

Are there any kitchen backsplash options I should avoid if I want a timeless look?

Yes, some kitchen backsplash options that might not stand the test of time include trendy geometric patterns, bold colors, and intricate mosaic designs. Instead, you can opt for classic subway tiles or natural stone tiles that offer a timeless look.

Which kitchen design choices are homeowners often regretting after implementation?

Homeowners often regret implementing trendy design choices that might look outdated soon. Some of these choices include modern farmhouse design, completely open concept kitchens, and ceiling-height cabinets. Instead, you can opt for classic designs that offer a timeless look.

What are the emerging kitchen cabinet color trends for 2024 to consider?

Emerging kitchen cabinet color trends for 2024 include navy blue, forest green, and deep plum. These colors offer a bold and sophisticated look to your kitchen and can be paired with warm metallic finishes to create a stunning visual impact.

Can you suggest kitchen trends that are likely to remain popular for years?

Yes, some kitchen trends that are likely to remain popular for years include natural materials like wood and stone, matte black finishes, and minimalist designs. These trends offer a timeless look and can be easily incorporated into any kitchen design.

Are white kitchen cabinets expected to lose their popularity in the near future?

While white kitchen cabinets have been a popular choice for many years, some experts predict that they might lose their popularity soon. Instead, homeowners are opting for warmer neutrals like beige and taupe or bold colors like navy blue and forest green to add character to their kitchens.

About the author

Hi, I'm Ashley. I am a homemaker and a mother of two children. I am passionate about keeping my home well-organized.

Here, I share all the tips on creating a warm and inviting household.

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