8 Kitchen Decor Items You Should Ditch Today


Home And Garden Tips.


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If you’re like me, you love a good kitchen decor item. From cute coffee mugs to decorative dish towels, there are so many ways to add personality to your kitchen. However, sometimes less is more. After doing some research and speaking with interior designers, I’ve compiled a list of eight kitchen decor items that you should ditch.

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First on the list are fake plants. While they may seem like a great way to add some greenery to your kitchen, fake plants can actually make your space look dated and dusty. Instead, opt for real plants that can help purify the air and add a pop of color to your kitchen.

Another item to ditch is cluttered countertops. While it’s tempting to keep all of your appliances and utensils within arm’s reach, a cluttered countertop can make your kitchen feel smaller and less functional. Instead, try to keep only the essentials on your countertops and store the rest in cabinets or drawers.

The Art of Decluttering

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Understanding the Value of Open Space

As someone who loves to cook and entertain guests, I know how important it is to have a clean and organized kitchen. I used to think that the more items I had in my kitchen, the better equipped I would be to handle any cooking task. However, I soon realized that having too many items in my kitchen actually made it harder to find what I needed, and it made the space feel cluttered and cramped.

That’s why I’ve come to appreciate the value of open space in my kitchen. By decluttering my kitchen and getting rid of items I no longer need, I’ve been able to create a more spacious and inviting atmosphere. Not only does this make it easier to find what I need when I’m cooking, but it also makes it more enjoyable to spend time in my kitchen.

The Decluttering Process

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the clutter in your kitchen, don’t worry! Decluttering your kitchen doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Set aside some time: Dedicate a few hours to decluttering your kitchen. This will give you enough time to go through everything and make decisions about what to keep and what to get rid of.

  2. Start small: Begin by tackling one area of your kitchen at a time. For example, start with your pantry or your utensil drawer.

  3. Be ruthless: When deciding what to keep and what to get rid of, be honest with yourself. If you haven’t used an item in the past six months, it’s probably safe to say that you don’t need it.

  4. Get creative with storage: If you’re short on storage space, get creative with how you store your items. For example, use a hanging pot rack to free up cabinet space, or use a rolling cart to store your baking supplies.

By following these tips, you can declutter your kitchen and create a more spacious and inviting atmosphere. Remember, the goal is to create a space that is both functional and enjoyable to spend time in.

Countertop Clutter Culprits

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As someone who loves to cook and bake, I understand the importance of having easy access to the tools and appliances I use most often. However, I’ve also learned that too many items on the countertop can quickly lead to a cluttered and overwhelming kitchen. Here are a few countertop clutter culprits that I recommend ditching to create a more streamlined and functional space.

Unnecessary Small Appliances

Small appliances can be incredibly useful in the kitchen, but they can also take up valuable countertop space. If you have appliances that you rarely use, consider storing them in a cabinet or pantry instead. For example, if you only make smoothies occasionally, you might not need to keep your blender on the countertop at all times. Similarly, if you have a toaster oven but rarely use it, it might be worth storing it away until you need it.

Excess Utensils and Gadgets

Utensils and gadgets are essential for cooking and baking, but it’s easy to accumulate more than you need. Take a look at your utensil holder and gadget drawer and ask yourself if there are any items you haven’t used in the past few months. If so, consider donating or selling them. Additionally, try to keep your most frequently used utensils and gadgets within easy reach on the countertop or in a nearby drawer.

Unused Decor and Accessories

Decor and accessories can add personality and style to your kitchen, but they can also contribute to countertop clutter. If you have decorative items that you no longer love or use, consider donating or selling them. Similarly, if you have accessories like fruit baskets or paper towel holders that take up valuable space, ask yourself if you really need them.

By decluttering your countertops and focusing on the essentials, you can create a more functional and enjoyable kitchen. Remember, less is often more when it comes to kitchen decor and organization.

Cabinet and Drawer Organization

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When it comes to kitchen organization, cabinets and drawers are often the first places to start. Here are a few tips for decluttering and reorganizing your kitchen cabinets and drawers.

Sorting Through Cookbooks

I love cookbooks as much as the next person, but if you’re like me, you probably have more than you actually use. Take some time to sort through your collection and keep only the ones you actually use and love. Consider donating the rest to your local library or a secondhand bookstore.

Reevaluating Dinnerware and Cookware

Take a look at your dinnerware and cookware and ask yourself if you really need everything you have. If you have pieces that you never use or that are taking up valuable cabinet space, consider donating or selling them. This will free up space for the items you actually use on a regular basis.

Tackling the Junk Drawer

We all have a junk drawer, but it doesn’t have to be a source of stress. Take some time to go through it and get rid of anything that is broken or that you no longer need. Use drawer dividers to keep everything organized and easy to find.

Overall, decluttering your kitchen cabinets and drawers can make a big difference in how functional your kitchen is. By getting rid of the items you no longer need and organizing the items you do, you’ll be able to find what you need when you need it, and cooking and entertaining will be a breeze.

Letting Go of Outdated Appliances

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As much as we love our kitchen appliances, it’s important to know when it’s time to let go of the old and bring in the new. Here are some tips on when to replace kitchen appliances and what to do with the old ones.

When to Replace Kitchen Appliances

Kitchen appliances are built to last, but they don’t last forever. Here are some signs that it’s time to replace your appliances:

  • Your appliance is more than 10 years old
  • Your appliance requires frequent repairs
  • Your appliance is no longer energy-efficient
  • Your appliance is outdated and no longer fits your kitchen decor

If any of these apply to your kitchen appliances, it’s time to start thinking about replacing them with newer, more efficient models.

Donating or Selling Old Appliances

Once you’ve decided to replace your old kitchen appliances, it’s important to find a new home for them. One option is to donate them to a local charity or non-profit organization. Many organizations will accept gently used appliances and put them to good use.

Another option is to sell your old appliances. There are many online marketplaces where you can list your appliances for sale, such as Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace. Make sure to clean your appliances thoroughly and provide accurate descriptions and photos to attract potential buyers.

In conclusion, letting go of outdated kitchen appliances can be difficult, but it’s important to know when it’s time to replace them. By following these tips, you can ensure that your kitchen is always up-to-date and efficient.

Rethinking Kitchen Storage Solutions

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As someone who spends a lot of time in the kitchen, I know how important it is to have ample storage space. However, not all storage solutions are created equal. In fact, there are some kitchen storage trends that you should avoid if you want your space to be functional and practical. Here are a few things to keep in mind when rethinking your kitchen storage solutions.

Maximizing Drawer and Cabinet Functionality

When it comes to kitchen storage, drawers and cabinets are the workhorses of the space. However, not all drawers and cabinets are created equal. Some are poorly designed and don’t make the most of the space they occupy. That’s why it’s important to think carefully about how you use your drawers and cabinets and how you can maximize their functionality.

One way to do this is to invest in drawer and cabinet organizers. These can help you make the most of the space you have and keep everything neatly organized. You can also consider customizing your drawers and cabinets to suit your needs. For example, if you’re an avid baker, you might want to install a pull-out baking sheet organizer or a dedicated spice drawer.

The Role of Open Shelving

Open shelving is a popular trend in kitchen design, but it’s not always the most practical solution. While open shelves can be a great way to display your favorite dishes and cookware, they can also be a source of clutter and dust. That’s why it’s important to think carefully about where you use open shelving and how you use it.

One way to make open shelving more practical is to use it for items that you use frequently. For example, you might use open shelves to store your everyday dishes or your most-used cookware. You can also consider using open shelving in conjunction with closed cabinets and drawers. This can help you strike a balance between practicality and aesthetics.

By rethinking your kitchen storage solutions and making the most of your drawers, cabinets, and open shelving, you can create a space that is both functional and beautiful. Remember to think carefully about your needs and how you use your kitchen, and don’t be afraid to customize your storage solutions to suit your lifestyle.

Essential Kitchen Tools to Keep

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As someone who loves to cook, I know how important it is to have the right tools in the kitchen. While it’s easy to accumulate a lot of gadgets and gizmos, there are a few essential items that every home cook should have on hand. Here are the must-have knives and key cooking utensils that I recommend keeping in your kitchen.

The Must-Have Knives

A good set of knives is essential for any home cook. While there are many different types of knives out there, I recommend starting with just a few basic ones. Here are the knives that I think every home cook should have:

Chef’s KnifeThis is the workhorse of the kitchen and can be used for everything from chopping vegetables to slicing meat. Look for a knife with a comfortable handle and a sharp blade.
Paring KnifeThis small knife is perfect for peeling and trimming fruits and vegetables. Look for a knife with a sharp blade and a comfortable handle.

With just these two knives, you’ll be able to tackle almost any task in the kitchen.

Key Cooking Utensils

In addition to knives, there are a few key cooking utensils that every home cook should have on hand. Here are the ones that I recommend:

  • Whisk: A whisk is essential for mixing ingredients together, whether you’re making a cake batter or whipping up some scrambled eggs. Look for a whisk with a comfortable handle and sturdy wires.
  • Spatula: A good spatula is essential for flipping pancakes, burgers, and other foods in a pan. Look for a spatula with a thin, flexible blade and a comfortable handle.
  • Utensils: You’ll need a few different utensils for cooking, such as a spoon, ladle, and tongs. Look for utensils with comfortable handles and sturdy construction.

By keeping these essential tools in your kitchen, you’ll be well-equipped to handle any cooking task that comes your way. Remember, it’s not about having the most gadgets and gizmos – it’s about having the right tools for the job.

Decorating with Purpose

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When it comes to decorating my kitchen, I believe in choosing items that serve a purpose beyond just looking pretty. Not only does this make my space more functional, but it also allows me to showcase meaningful pieces that reflect my personality and style. Here are a few tips for decorating your kitchen with purpose.

Choosing Meaningful Art and Decor

Art and decor are a great way to add personality to your kitchen, but they should also serve a purpose. For example, I love hanging a vintage map of my favorite city on the wall above my dining table. Not only does it add visual interest, but it also serves as a conversation starter for guests. I also like to display a collection of antique kitchen tools on open shelving. Not only do they add charm, but they also serve as a reminder of the history of cooking.

Functional Furniture and Fixtures

When it comes to furniture and fixtures in the kitchen, I always opt for pieces that serve a dual purpose. For example, a kitchen island with built-in storage is not only great for meal prep, but it also provides extra storage space for pots, pans, and utensils. I also love a farmhouse sink with a built-in cutting board. Not only does it add a rustic touch to the kitchen, but it also makes meal prep a breeze.

Overall, decorating with purpose in the kitchen is all about finding items that are both beautiful and functional. By incorporating meaningful art and decor, as well as functional furniture and fixtures, you can create a kitchen that is both stylish and practical.

Frequently Asked Questions

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What are the outdated kitchen cabinet styles to avoid?

When it comes to kitchen cabinets, there are a few outdated styles that you should avoid. These include ornate and heavily detailed cabinets, as well as cabinets with a dark, glossy finish. Instead, opt for simple and sleek cabinets with a matte finish. Lighter colors are also a great choice, as they can make your kitchen feel brighter and more spacious.

How can I update the decor on top of my kitchen cabinets?

If you have empty space on top of your kitchen cabinets, there are plenty of ways to update the decor. One idea is to add some greenery, such as potted plants or a vase of fresh flowers. You can also display decorative items, such as ceramic bowls or vintage cookware. Just make sure to keep the decor minimal and cohesive, so it doesn’t look cluttered.

What are the kitchen trends for 2023 that people might regret later?

While it’s always fun to stay on top of the latest trends, it’s important to choose timeless pieces that won’t go out of style. Some trends for 2023 that might not stand the test of time include bright, bold colors and overly trendy patterns. Instead, opt for classic colors and patterns that will look great for years to come.

What are some fresh ideas for decorating an empty kitchen wall?

An empty kitchen wall is the perfect opportunity to add some personality to your space. One idea is to create a gallery wall with a mix of art and photographs. You can also hang a large statement piece, such as a vintage sign or a colorful tapestry. Another option is to install open shelving and display your favorite dishes and cookbooks.

How can I utilize empty space in my kitchen effectively?

Empty space in your kitchen can be put to good use with a little creativity. One idea is to install a kitchen island, which can provide extra counter space and storage. You can also install floating shelves to display decorative items or store kitchen essentials. Another option is to create a cozy seating area with a small table and chairs.

Which dated kitchen decor trends should be retired for a modern look?

Some dated kitchen decor trends that should be retired include heavy window treatments, outdated light fixtures, and overly ornate hardware. Instead, opt for simple and modern window treatments, sleek light fixtures, and streamlined hardware. These small changes can make a big difference in giving your kitchen a fresh and modern look.

About the author

Hi, I'm Ashley. I am a homemaker and a mother of two children. I am passionate about keeping my home well-organized.

Here, I share all the tips on creating a warm and inviting household.

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