20 Flower Tower Ideas: Creative Ways to Display Your Blooms


Home And Garden Tips.


I love flowers and I know many people who share the same passion. Flowers are not only beautiful, but they also have the power to brighten up any space and bring joy to our lives. That’s why I’m excited to share with you some amazing flower tower ideas that I’ve come across.

A tall tower made entirely of colorful flowers, standing amidst a lush green garden, with a variety of blooms cascading down the sidesPin

Whether you have a small balcony or a large garden, flower towers can be a great addition to your outdoor space. They come in different shapes, sizes, and colors, and can be customized to fit your personal style. In this article, I will showcase 20 flower tower ideas that will inspire you to create your own unique flower tower. So, get ready to be amazed by the beauty of these flower towers and let’s dive in!

1) Vertical Flower Tower

If you’re looking for a unique way to display your flowers, a vertical flower tower might be just what you need. These towers can be made from a variety of materials and can be customized to fit your specific needs. I love the way they add height and interest to any garden or patio space. Plus, they’re a great way to maximize your growing space if you’re short on square footage.

2) Pallet Flower Tower

A tall, vibrant flower tower stands against a blue sky, with a variety of colorful flowers arranged in a pallet-style patternPin

I love the idea of repurposing old pallets into something beautiful and useful. That’s why I decided to try making a pallet flower tower.

To make it, I simply stacked pallets on top of each other, filled them with soil, and planted flowers in each layer. It was so easy and turned out great! Now I have a unique and eye-catching flower display in my garden.

3) Clay Pot Flower Tower

I absolutely love the idea of a clay pot flower tower! It’s a creative way to add a pop of color to any outdoor space. To make one, you simply stack clay pots of varying sizes on top of each other, securing them with soil and plants in between. The result is a stunning vertical garden that’s sure to impress. Plus, it’s a great way to save space if you have a small yard or balcony. Give it a try – you won’t be disappointed!

4) Hanging Basket Flower Tower

I love the idea of a hanging basket flower tower! It’s a great way to add some vertical interest to your garden. To create this tower, simply hang several baskets at different heights and fill them with your favorite flowers. You can choose a color scheme or mix and match for a more eclectic look. Some great flowers for hanging baskets include petunias, fuchsias, and geraniums. Just make sure to water them regularly to keep them looking their best!

5) Wooden Crate Flower Tower

I love using wooden crates to create flower towers! They are affordable, easy to find, and can be used to make a beautiful vertical garden. To make a wooden crate flower tower, I start by lining the bottom of the crate with landscape fabric to prevent soil from falling out. Then, I fill it with potting soil and plant a variety of flowers and herbs. Once the plants start to grow, the wooden crate becomes a stunning vertical garden that adds a touch of rustic charm to any space.

6) PVC Pipe Flower Tower

I love the idea of using PVC pipes to create a flower tower! It’s a simple and affordable way to add a touch of nature to any outdoor space. To make a PVC pipe flower tower, all you need is a few PVC pipes, some soil, and your favorite flowers.

To start, cut the PVC pipes into different lengths, making sure they are all the same diameter. Then, stack them on top of each other, with the largest pipe at the bottom and the smallest at the top. Fill each pipe with soil and plant your flowers.

This flower tower is not only beautiful, but it’s also easy to maintain. And the best part? You can customize it to match your style and preferences. Give it a try and see how it transforms your outdoor space!

7) Ladder Flower Tower

I love the look of a ladder flower tower! It’s such a unique way to display your favorite flowers and plants. I’ve seen them made out of wood, metal, and even PVC pipe. The possibilities are endless!

To make your own ladder flower tower, you’ll need to start by choosing the right materials. Make sure you pick something sturdy that can support the weight of your plants. Then, arrange your pots or planters on the ladder rungs, starting with the largest at the bottom and working your way up.

With a ladder flower tower, you can add a touch of whimsy to your garden or patio. It’s a fun and easy DIY project that anyone can do!

8) Wire Cage Flower Tower

A tall wire cage filled with blooming flowers, standing among a garden of 20 different flower tower ideasPin

I love the idea of using wire cages as a base for flower towers. They are sturdy and provide support for the plants to grow tall. Plus, the wire allows for air flow and drainage, which is important for healthy plant growth.

To create a wire cage flower tower, I start by filling the bottom with rocks or gravel for drainage. Then, I add potting soil and plant my favorite flowers. I like using trailing plants like petunias or sweet potato vines to create a cascading effect.

Overall, the wire cage flower tower is an easy and affordable way to add some vertical interest to your garden or patio.

9) Shoe Organizer Flower Tower

I recently discovered a unique and practical way to create a flower tower using a shoe organizer. All you need is a shoe organizer with several pockets, soil, and plants of your choice. Fill each pocket with soil and plant your flowers or herbs. Hang it on a fence or wall, and voila! You have a beautiful and functional flower tower that takes up minimal space. It’s perfect for small gardens or balconies.

10) Topsy Turvy Flower Tower

I love the Topsy Turvy flower tower idea because it adds a unique touch to any garden. Essentially, you hang flower pots upside down from a frame, creating a cascading effect. It’s a great way to make use of vertical space and add some color to your garden. Plus, it’s easy to make your own frame using PVC pipes or metal rods. Just be sure to choose the right plants that can handle being upside down!

11) Stacked Tire Flower Tower

I came across this unique idea of using old tires to create a flower tower, and I must say, it’s quite impressive. The stacked tire tower provides a sturdy base for planting flowers and can be painted in various colors to add a pop of visual interest to your garden. The tires can be filled with soil and decorated with plants of your choice, making it a great DIY project for those who love to garden. Plus, it’s an eco-friendly way to repurpose old tires and add some greenery to your outdoor space.

12) Colander Flower Tower

A towering structure made of colanders, adorned with vibrant flowers in a variety of colors and sizesPin

As I was researching flower tower ideas, I came across a unique and creative option: the colander flower tower. This DIY project involves stacking colanders of different sizes on top of each other and filling them with soil and plants. The result is a stunning and functional display that can be used for herbs, flowers, or even vegetables. Plus, it’s a great way to repurpose old kitchen items and add some personality to your garden.

13) Birdcage Flower Tower

A birdcage sits atop a flower tower, surrounded by 20 different flower arrangementsPin

I love the idea of using a birdcage as a unique flower tower. It adds a touch of vintage charm to any garden or patio. To create this flower tower, I start by filling the bottom of the birdcage with soil. Then, I add a variety of colorful flowers and trailing vines, such as petunias, lobelia, and ivy. The result is a beautiful and whimsical display that is sure to impress.

14) Vintage Suitcase Flower Tower

I absolutely adore the idea of repurposing old vintage suitcases into unique flower towers. This is a great way to add some character and charm to your garden or outdoor space. Simply stack the suitcases on top of each other and fill them with your favorite flowers. You can even add some trailing plants to create a cascading effect. This is a wonderful DIY project that is sure to impress your friends and family. Give it a try and see for yourself!

15) Cinder Block Flower Tower

I love using cinder blocks to create unique flower towers in my garden. They are affordable, easy to find, and incredibly versatile. To make a cinder block flower tower, simply stack the blocks in a pyramid shape, leaving holes for your flowers to grow. You can paint the blocks to add a pop of color or leave them natural for a rustic look. Plus, the holes in the blocks provide excellent drainage for your plants. Try this DIY project for a fun and creative addition to your garden.

16) Copper Pipe Flower Tower

A tall copper pipe tower adorned with 20 vibrant flowers in a variety of colors and sizes, creating a stunning and unique displayPin

I absolutely love the look of copper pipe flower towers! They are a unique and modern way to display your favorite flowers. To make one, you’ll need copper pipes, a drill, and some elbow joints. Start by drilling holes in the pipes and connecting them with the elbow joints. Then, fill the pipes with soil and plant your flowers. The result is a stunning tower of blooms that will add a touch of elegance to any garden or patio. Give it a try, and you won’t be disappointed!

17) Mason Jar Flower Tower

A tall mason jar filled with colorful flowers, surrounded by smaller jars, creating a flower towerPin

I absolutely adore the Mason Jar Flower Tower! It’s a fun and creative way to add some color to your garden. This tower is perfect for those who love DIY projects and want to add a personal touch to their garden.

To create your own Mason Jar Flower Tower, you will need some mason jars, a wooden post, and some flowers. Simply attach the mason jars to the post and fill them with soil and your favorite flowers. It’s that easy!

This flower tower is not only beautiful but also eco-friendly. You can reuse the mason jars and wooden post for years to come. Give it a try and add some charm to your garden!

18) Gutter Garden Flower Tower

I have to say, I was a bit skeptical when I first heard about using gutters to create a flower tower. But after trying it out for myself, I have to admit that it’s a pretty clever idea. By attaching gutters to a post or wall and filling them with soil and flowers, you can create a beautiful vertical garden that takes up very little space. Plus, it’s a great way to upcycle old gutters and add some unique flair to your outdoor decor. Give it a try and see for yourself!

19) Spiral Flower Tower

A towering spiral of colorful flowers reaching towards the sky, creating a stunning and vibrant display of nature's beautyPin

I absolutely love the look of spiral flower towers! They add such a unique and whimsical touch to any garden or outdoor space.

To create a spiral tower, you can use a variety of flowers such as petunias, marigolds, and daisies. Plant them in a spiral pattern, starting from the bottom and working your way up.

Not only do these towers look beautiful, but they also attract pollinators like bees and butterflies. Plus, they’re relatively easy to maintain and can be a fun DIY project for any gardening enthusiast.

20) Leaning Ladder Flower Tower

A tall leaning ladder adorned with colorful flowers, creating a unique and vibrant flower towerPin

I absolutely love the idea of a leaning ladder flower tower! It’s such a unique and creative way to display your favorite flowers and plants. The best part is that it doesn’t take up a lot of space, making it perfect for small gardens or balconies.

To create a leaning ladder flower tower, all you need is an old ladder and some sturdy pots. Simply lean the ladder against a wall or fence, and place the pots on each rung. Fill the pots with your favorite flowers and plants, and watch as your garden grows up the ladder!

Not only is a leaning ladder flower tower practical and space-saving, but it also adds a charming and rustic touch to any outdoor space. Give it a try and see how it transforms your garden!

Benefits of Flower Towers

Space-Saving Solutions

As someone who loves gardening but has limited space, I have found flower towers to be an excellent solution. Flower towers are vertical structures that can hold a large number of plants in a small area. By using a flower tower, I am able to grow a variety of plants without having to sacrifice valuable space in my yard or on my balcony.

Enhanced Aesthetic Appeal

In addition to their space-saving benefits, flower towers also add a beautiful and unique touch to any garden or outdoor space. By using a variety of plants with different colors and textures, I am able to create a stunning display that catches the eye of anyone who visits my home. Flower towers can also be used to create a focal point in a garden or to add height to an otherwise flat landscape.

Overall, flower towers are a great addition to any garden or outdoor space. They provide a space-saving solution for those with limited space and add a beautiful touch to any landscape.

Choosing the Right Plants for Flower Towers

As I mentioned earlier, flower towers are a great way to add vertical interest to your garden or balcony. But choosing the right plants for your flower tower can be a bit overwhelming. Here are some things to consider when selecting plants for your flower tower.

Annuals vs Perennials

When it comes to choosing plants for your flower tower, you have two main options: annuals and perennials. Annuals are plants that complete their life cycle in one year, while perennials come back year after year. Annuals are a great choice if you want to change up the look of your flower tower each year, while perennials are a good option if you want a more low-maintenance flower tower.

Best Flowers for Sunlight

When selecting plants for your flower tower, it’s important to consider the amount of sunlight your tower will receive. Some flowers do well in full sun, while others prefer partial shade. Here are some flowers that do well in different levels of sunlight:

  • Full sun: petunias, marigolds, zinnias, sunflowers
  • Partial shade: impatiens, begonias, coleus, fuchsia

Low-Maintenance Options

If you’re looking for low-maintenance plants for your flower tower, there are plenty of options to choose from. Here are some plants that require minimal care:

  • Succulents: These plants store water in their leaves, making them perfect for a low-maintenance flower tower.
  • Lavender: This fragrant plant requires little water and is known for its calming properties.
  • Ornamental grasses: These plants add texture and interest to your flower tower and require minimal care.

By considering these factors and choosing the right plants for your flower tower, you can create a stunning vertical garden that will be the envy of all your neighbors.

About the author

Hi, I'm Ashley. I am a homemaker and a mother of two children. I am passionate about keeping my home well-organized.

Here, I share all the tips on creating a warm and inviting household.

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